research from the Committee for the Study of

* "38,000,000 Escaped -- 10,000,000 Died" (c.1943, Russian War Relief Inc.; via,000,000+Escaped+--+10,000,000+Died) []:
[]* "A Day of Remembrance and Resistance" (2021-10-07, by Atty. Jojo Liangco, via Philippine News Today weekly newspaper, print edition, page 13, Northern California edition) [], full article []:
Three years ago, the University of the Philippines through a proclamation made by its president declared Sep-tember 21st as "A Day of Remembrance." The proc-lamation was made to rec-ognize the university's con-tributions to the struggle against the Marcos dictator-ship and despotism in the Philippines. The proclama-tion stated---"September 21, and September 21 of every year hereon as Day of Remembrance throughout the University of the Philippines System, for which I authorize and encourage the holding of special lectures, meetings, and ceremonies devoted to the commemoration of UP's participation and sacrifice in the struggle against martial law and to the continuing education of our students, faculty, and staff on the importance of academic freedom, civil liberties, and human right's in our society. " This is a proclamation that other schools and institu-tions of learning should follow. Filipinos should never forget the evils, abuses, and atrocities that took place dur-ing the martial law years. If we do not remember the evils of Martial Law, then historical revisionism will triumph. We can already see the efforts of those who are trying to cover up the evils of the Marcos dictatorship. They are telling the Filipino people now that the Philippines had its golden years during the Marcos dictatorship.
It was in the morning of September 23, 1972 when the news "blackout" started. There were no radio and televi-sion broadcasts and no newspapers came out as well. We remember September 23 as the "first day" or the beginning of martial law as this was the day when military forces implemented a media lockdown and only media outlets associated with Marcos were allowed to function and operate. By the afternoon, Filipinos were glued to the only telecast on KBS Channel 9 where Marcos' press sec-retary Francisco Tatad went on the air to read the declara-tion of martial law (Proclamation No. 1081). I will never forget the face and voice of Marcos that night when he went on the air to formally announce that the Philippines was under martial law. He said-- "My countrymen, as of the 2 I st of this month I signed proclamation No. 1081 placing the entire Philippines un-der martial law. . . I have proclaimed martial law in ac-cordance with the powers vested in the President by the Constitution of the Philippines. The proclamation of mar-tial law is not a military takeover. I, as your duly elected President of the Republic use this power which may be implemented by the military authorities but still a power embodied in the constitution to protect the Republic of the Philippines and our Democracy." The rest is history. From 1972 to 1981, Marcos was in power until his ouster through the EDSA People Power Revolt in 1986. Martial law resulted in severe political and economic repression, deaths, and many abuses that later on generated widespread discontent and resistance among the Filipino people.
Fast forward to 2018 and we see powerful forces who seek to erase and revise the dark story and consequences 'if martial law. They resort to historical revisionism and -nes about this dark chapter in our history. There are also people who support and are calling for the return of dic-tatorship and authoritarian rule in the country. This is scary. Even during this age of information technology and communication, lies, fake news, and distorted narratives proliferate and are widespread. We need to make a prin-cipled stand against revisionism and these lies. .If these liars and revisionists succeed, many of our people, even those who lived in the Philippines during the martial law years, will forget about this dark episode in our history. And for the young people who never lived those years, they will be deprived of the lessons that they should know and put to heart, so they can be the first ones to oppose the return of dictatorial rule in the Philippines.
No Filipino leader should follow and emulate Marcos and his abusive rule. Dictatorships and authoritarian rulers do not bring progress. They can only bring tons and tons of abuses, economic downturns, and corruption, as dictators are the first ones to violate the law and the rule of law. They and their families are the first ones to steal from the people and become serial kieptocrats. There is a saying in Pilipino that reminds us that "Ang taong hindi marunong ltuningon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa kanyang paroroonan" (He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never reach his destination.) Let us not forget the painful lessons of the past. Septem-ber 21st is not only a day of remembrance. It is a day of re-sistance as well to any attempts to bring back dictatorial rule in the Philippines.
80 years ago today, the immortal 1941 November 7 parade took place in Moscow. With the Nazi vanguard so close to Moscow, they could see the red stars of the Kremlin spires from their binoculars.
The heroic defenders of Moscow after marching past Red Square took their steps to the frontline in the Battle of Moscow. Most of the soldiers in this photo did not live through the battle.

- [comment]: When I was living in Germany I had a trumpet tutor who had been a common Wehrmacht soldier in an infantry company near the gates of Moscow and he told me of that day. He said hearing the parade music and seeing the stars of the Kremlin lit up was the first time they started to think they were going to lose the war. It showed the Soviets were not beaten, and it demoralized the German army.
* "Netflix documentary on America's secret Nazis leaves viewers disturbed; 'Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis' tells the story of the Jews who volunteered for the US military to fight Germans but were ordered to play nice with Nazi POWs, including SS officers, to obtain classified information instead" (2021-11-04, []
* "Poland Crucified Fights For You Help Her" (1944, Polish American Council of U.S.A., via []:
Tragic original World War II poster showing Poland personified in crucifixion upon a Nazi sword.
The image was first issued in the Chicago Daily News and finding that it was very powerful, it was repurposed as a poster for Polish War Relief by the Polish American Council of U.S.A.
This is the smaller of at least two editions of the poster.
* "European Russia traffic map (railways and roads)" (1940, re-issued 1941-09, General Staff of the German Army; viaäisches+Rußland+Verkehrskarte+(Eisenbahnen+und+Straßen)+[European+Russia+traffic+map+(railways+and+roads)]) []:
Official Wehrmacht Mapping of Transport Routes in the Soviet Union during the Opening Stages of Operation Barbarossa.
Very large and detailed color-printed map produced for the General Staff of the German Army during the first months of the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
The map shows all of European Russia and some adjacent areas. Within the Soviet Union, there are exact renderings of roads (highways, main streets, roadways, etc.), railroads (heavy gauge, narrow gauge, electric; with a note that Russian gauge was different from that of the rest of Europe), footpaths, car ferries, pontoon bridges, car bridges, etc.
The map is marked in German: "For official use only!"
It seems that the map was originally prepared in 1940 and this example was printed in September of 1941.
An important document for understanding German military strategy in the first year of the war with the Soviet Union.

* " 'Justice at Last': Former Gaddafi Aide Found Liable for 1984 Police Officer Murder by UK High Court" (2021-11-16, []
Jamming with the Monkees in a hotel room in Greensboro N.C. July 12, 1967.
They played together here in Salt Lake City
My cousin (Terre Thomas Bullock) saw them in Charlotte (probably a day before or after this photo?) when she was a pre-teen. Told me a while back that when he started doing his thing, she & everyone around her all went ".................EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
Hendrix was booed off the stage in Charlotte...
Mike used to talk about the Taj Mahal/Country Joe show at the Fillmore where Graham had a late addition open the show, a British blues band, Led Zeppelin.
When the first signs of hyperinflation hit the Weimar Republic in early 1921 the national mood was not one of fear or dread but mass excitement and hope. Everyone thought they were getting rich! People sold their houses for twice what they had brought them for just months before, the stock market exploded in value to the point where even janitors were sharing stock tips; people were even selling the furniture out of their homes because it doubled in value overnight. The nation was convinced that the economy had recovered from the war entirely. This zeitgeist lasted until 1922; by the end of 1922, 500,000 Marks were equal in value to $1 USD and everyone who sold their furniture or invested in german stocks or sold their house was dead fucking broke.
* "38,000,000 Escaped -- 10,000,000 Died" (c.1943, Russian War Relief Inc.; via,000,000+Escaped+--+10,000,000+Died) []:
"Russian War Relief Asks All Americans to Keep Relief Ships Sailing -- Imagine the Tragedy to you and your family if an Invader had ravaged America..."
Rare humanitarian (propaganda?) broadside map of the United States, illustrating the relative impact of World War II on the Russian civilian population, by means of comparison to populations in the United States.
The map legend notes:
"On this map is shown the vastness of the war effort of our Soviet Allies. The map of the western half of the Soviet Union has been placed (in reverse) upon the map of the United States. The shadings show:
(brown) A map of that part of the Soviet Union occupied by the Nazis at the peak of the invasion. (The map of the Soviet Union is reversed to compare the industrial west of Russia with the similar eastern area of the United States.)
(yellow) Giant industrial and agricultural communities moved from invaded regions . . . equivalent to a transfer of the mills and factorise of all eastern America to the Rockies.
Soviet cities are in only approximately correct relation to each other, the object being to show their relation to comparable America Cities."
As noted by PJ Mode in the Cornell on line cataloging of his collection of persuasive maps (
An unusual map supporting the fundraising efforts of Russian War Relief, Inc., an organization established after the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941 to help the millions of refugees displaced within Russia by the invasion. The map of Russia has been reversed . . . the Ukraine covers the eastern U.S., Moscow is near Detroit, and the Caucasus are in Oklahoma. . . . The capitol in Washington is burning, and the Nazi flag flies atop the Empire State Building. Other highlighted areas represent "giant industrial and agricultural communities" relocated to remote areas of Russia, e.g., Novosibirsk (Boise), Omsk (Salt Lake City) and Tashkent (Phoenix).
The map is undated, but because the text below the map says that "some of the survivors now are returning to homes recaptured by the Red Army," this map was probably produced after the Soviet victory at Stalingrad in 1943. The artist Elliott Anderson Means was raised in Texas, became an itinerant sign and mural painter in California, then studied at the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles and the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts. He settled in New York, where he was a WPA artist in the 1930s; he created at least one other poster for Russian War Relief, "Help Put Him Back in Our Fight."
Russian War Relief Inc.
Russian War Relief (also known as the Russian War Relief Fund, and The American Committee for Russian War Relief) was the largest American agency for foreign war relief. It had the "express and exclusive purpose of giving succor to the Russian people at a time of crisis". The chairman of Russian War Relief was Edward C. Carter, chairman of the National Committee for Medical Aid to the Soviet Union, a member of the Executive Committee of the American Russian Institute and secretary general of the Institute of Pacific Relations. From 1942, the fund was headed by Allen Wardwell.
On July 29, 1941, one month after Germany's attack on Russia, a group met in New York and established Russian War Relief, Inc incorporated in New York on September 12, 1941. Fred Myers, who later founded the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), served as director of public relations and was later promoted to Executive Director.
There were allegations that Carter's actions were "anti-American". According to FBI files, Carter displayed "every indication that he has been closely associated with leading members of the Communist Party in the United States."
The map is very rare. This is the second example of the map we have ever seen.
Teletanks are the series (Reno-russky, T-18, TT-18, TT-27, TT-26, TT-BT-7, T-55, T-72B) of the remotely controlled unmanned robotic tanks produced in the Soviet Union in the 1920s – 1940s, 1960s, 2000s. They saw their first combat use in the Winter war – military conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland (30 November 1939 – 13 March 1940) at the start of World War II. Teletanks were controlled by radio from appropriate Control Tanks at a distance of 500-1500 meters.
TT-18 teletank
Chang Kai Shek was at no point interested in a sovereign China. His first and primary interest was to establish a client state to the Nazis.
When that became untenable following the failure of operation Barbarossa in 1941 he turned around and beseeched the Americans for help in forcing the Chinese people into submission.

* "The Invasion of Grenada Was Planned Using a Tourist Map" (2021-11-12, []
* "Through Japanese eyes: Seen for the first time, photograph shows Hiroshima mushroom cloud from the ground minutes after blast; Cloud shown separating into two parts 30 minutes after bomb exploded; Image was known about for 'many years but not discovered until now' ; Picture was taken around 10km away from the blast's epicentre" (2013-01-11, []
* "Rare pic of split mushroom cloud found in Hiroshima" ( []:
A rare picture of the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima split into two distinct parts, one on top of the other, has been discovered at Honkawa Elementary School in Hiroshima city. According to a notation on the back of the print, the photograph was shot from the town of Kaitaichi (today part of the town of Kaita), six miles east of ground zero two minutes after the bomb was dropped on August 6th, 1945. The picture was known to a few historians but only through copies; its only recent publication was in the 1988 book Hiroshima-ken Sensai-shi (Chronicle of War Damage in Hiroshima Prefecture).
This is the first original print of this photograph discovered, and the information on the back contradicts what historians have thought about the picture. Hiroshima-ken Sensai-shi described the picture as having been taken 20-30 minutes after the bomb was dropped, not immediately after detonation.
The only other image of the split cloud over Hiroshima was taken from the air by U.S. military photographers accompanying bomber Enola Gay in a B-29 Superfortress later named Necessary Evil. If it’s the picture I think it is (see left), then the cloud wasn’t quite split. There’s still a filament connecting top and bottom.
The newly discovered print shows the two parts of the cloud completely separated.
The print is six inches high and four and a half inches wide. It was found in a collection of materials, mainly press articles, about the bombing of Hiroshima. The collection was donated to the school by Yosaburo Yamasaki, a local resident who survived the bombing, in or just after 1953.
That’s a significant year because the Allied Occupation of Japan officially ended April 28th, 1952. Before then, Occupation authorities censored images that were considered potentially subversive. Pictures of the atomic bombs and of the cities they had leveled were not allowed in the Japanese press. In fact, as soon as they took over in 1945 the U.S. Occupation forces seized printed photographs of the bombings from press agencies. Two thousand prints of war damage seized during the occupation were returned to Japan in 1973.
The picture will go on display at a museum next to the school starting this spring. Hongawa Elementary School was the school closest to ground zero (around 380 yards away from the epicenter). The structure was burned in the firestorm that followed the blast. Ten faculty members and 400 children were killed instantly. The peace museum was built next to the reconstructed school to document the devastation. Artifacts from the school and photographs of the damage are on display.
This is why it was so tragic that the Yalta Agreement forced the Italian, French and Greek partisans to re-install the discredited capitalist regimes. The US soldiers would have rebelled against attacking their WW2 allies! The USSR made a huge mistake that, in the end, strangled itself. The events of 1989-1991 can be pointed to as the result of the tragic Yalta agreement. All of Europe, in 1945, was at the point of going COMMUNIST!
* "After World War II, tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers mutinied — and won" (2021-11-11, [] [begin excerpt]:
The story began just after the war concluded with Japan’s surrender in August 1945. That same month, threatened with left-wing independence movements in its far-flung overseas territories and across Asia, the U.S. government decided that rather than fully demobilize the military, it would maintain a troop force of 2.5 million.
That did not go over well with the soldiers’ families, who bombarded their congressional representatives with photos of children missing their fathers and pairs of baby shoes with tags reading “Bring Daddy home.” Washington relented, and soldiers packed their bags, until President Harry S. Truman panicked at the “dangerous speed” of demobilization and ordered a slowdown in January 1946.
Now it was the troops’ turn to put up a fight.
The first protests took place in the Philippines, a U.S. colony that had suffered untold repression and slaughter in the 50 years since Spain handed it over in the Spanish-American War. During World War II, the United States had fought to end a brutal occupation by the Japanese. Then, more than 20,000 American soldiers marched in Manila, demanding to return home.
Another 20,000 demonstrated in Honolulu. Three thousand joined them in Korea, and 5,000 in Kolkata. In Guam, 3,500 Air Force troops staged a hunger strike, while 18,000 soldiers pooled money to send a cable to journalists making their case for repatriation.
The armed forces were segregated at the time, and all 250 members of the all-Black 823rd Engineer Aviation Battalion in Burma sent a letter to Truman, saying they were “disgusted with undemocratic American foreign policy” and did not want to “take the field in league with the alien rulers against the freedom revolts of the oppressed peoples.”
When Lt. Gen. W.D. Styler, the Army’s commanding general in the West Pacific, addressed the troops on the radio, they drowned him out with boos. When Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson landed on Guam, service members protested and burned him in effigy.
Truman told an aide that the protests were “plain mutiny.” And yet just one day after the biggest protests kicked off in Manila, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower announced that the military would not discipline the protesting soldiers because there “had been no acts of violence or disorder.”
Then the government gave in to the demonstrators and began a rapid drawdown of troops. A year and a half later, the Army had shrunk to fewer than 1 million men. [end excerpt]
* "A total of 96 million Germans; Nazi Germany's Ambitions Made Clear" (1938, published in Graz, Austria; via[A+total+of+96+million+Germans]) []:
Important pre-World War II mapping of Germany and its neighbors illustrating the oft-repeated claim that German borders should be expanded to encompass German-speaking populations in other countries. The map was published in Graz, Austria in 1938 by the Verlag der Alpenland Buchhandlung Südmark.
The map was almost certainly completed just after the Anschluss, which saw Germany take over Austria in March of 1938.
The map is somewhat more constrained compared with Arnold Hillen-Ziegfeld's 1938 map of all of Eastern and Central Europe:
The present map might represent an earlier iteration of that approach to propagandistic mapmaking, and perhaps the makers did not fully appreciate the scope of Nazi ambitions in Eastern Europe.
The map shows evolving German claims in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, and Belgium.

* "87 545 000 Deutsche in Europa; A Nazi Propoganda Poster by 'One of the Masters of Suggestive Cartography' - G. Henrik Herb" (1938, NSDAP; via []:
This is a Nazi propaganda map, suggesting, in no uncertain terms, German territorial ambition. The map itself depicts the diaspora of ethnic Germans throughout Europe in extensive, if exaggerated, detail. Quotes from around the map and annotations describe the nature, extent, and supposed oppression faced by these ethnic Germans.
Shades of red on the map indicate German settlement. The map indicates the German population of each area, with Germany having close to 76 million ethnic Germans within its borders. Romania has eight million, Hungary six million, the Soviet Union 1.1 million, and Sweden only six thousand ethnic Germans. Other symbols are used to indicate certain areas, such as those that have people with a Germanic "cultural potential," such as the "Alpenromanen" people in Italy and Switzerland. Two insets show Germanic settlements in the "Volgarepublik" and "Kaukasus" regions.
The arrows drawn across the map are foreboding given the coming Generalplan Ost, but these refer to supposed Germanic migrations during the Middle Ages. It appears that this is taken as an example of Germans already needing Lebensraum as early as the Middle Ages.
The message of this map is perhaps best summarized by the quote included in the upper left of the map, which is from Hitler's address to the Reichstag on February 20, 1938:
"In the long run, it is unbearable for a world power to know that there are Volksgenossen [compatriots] at its side being constantly subjected to the most severe suffering because of their sympathy or affiliation with their race, its fate, and its world view!"
In this excerpt, Hitler is attacking the fact that ethnic Germans are being "oppressed" in other countries, and the speech drives home the supposed need to liberate these people of Germanic descent.
The map mentions an article from Der Schulungsbrief [The Training Letter]'s January 1938 issue. This magazine aimed to portray Nazi ideology in an understandable manner for the public. The magazine was published from at least 1934 until April 1944 (and perhaps later), featuring such articles as "The War Criminal Churchill" and "Victories of Racial Strength." The magazine shifted its focus of publication in line with the trajectory of Nazi propaganda, first focusing on racial issues, then on Germans abroad, then on the successes of the war effort.
Arnold Hillen-Ziegfeld was a leading cartographer in Nazi Germany. He had been active since at least 1925, publishing numerous works of propaganda. His early work focused on Jewish peoples, being published in Volk unter Volkern, and then shifted to addressing the issue of the German population abroad. This transition from "domestic" to "international" issues closely mirrors the focus of Nazi propaganda on the whole. Assisting Hillen-Ziegfeld were two professors, including Dr. Dr. (as he preferred to be known, having two doctoral degrees) Friedrich Lange, another leading figure of Nazi cartography. The data was provided by Lange's research and excludes German-speaking Jewish people.
The Volksdeutsche in Europe
The notion of Pan-Germanic romantic nationalism had influenced German policy since at least the 19th century. The most obvious early impact of this ideology was the unification of Germany in 1871. Pan-Germanism also influenced ethnically German thinkers and politicians throughout Europe, particularly in Austria. This is not to say that a sense of German nationalism did not exist prior to unification, with a prominent example of Germanic pride being the German name for Transylvania in the 17th century, naming it "Sibenburgen," referring to the seven ethnically German cities of the region.
Pan-Germanism is rooted in the historical migrations of Germanic tribes. The spread of Germanic peoples throughout Europe occurred extensively during the Middle Ages, during and after the fall of Rome. The Germanic peoples, a general name for various tribes which included the Visigoths, Burgundians, and Ostrogoths, arrived in western Europe while fleeing the advancing Huns. These tribes settled in many different places throughout Europe, ranging from Spain to Russia.
In Nazi ideology unifying the Volksdeutsche in a Greater Germanic Reich became a matter of primary importance. They saw these communities as being oppressed in a foreign land by inferior majorities. This ideology is one of the most important tenets for understanding the foreign policy of the Nazi government.
Alongside the need for Lebensraum, the existence of the Volksdeutsche was leveraged to garner public support for expansion. Supposed (and occasionally real) oppression against Germans in Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic nations, and elsewhere were used as reasons for expansion. This propaganda campaign was successful in both persuading the German people that war was necessary, and in exciting German nationalism elsewhere in Europe, particularly in the Sudetenland.
- Reference: Herb, Guntram Henrik. 1997. Under the Map of Germany: Nationalism and Propaganda, 1918-1945; PJ Mode Collection 1264.01.
* photo showing German Ambassador Otto Abetz transferring remains of Napoleon II to the French, 1940.
* (äischen+Großmächte+und+ihre+überseeischer+Kolonialbesitz+|+Deutschland+und+sein+Kolonialbesitz+in+Af) []:
Fascinating World War II-era map prepared by the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) detailing some of the foreign policy preoccupations of the Nazis prior to the invasion of France.
The map was published between the invasion of Poland and the invasion of France, though a specific date is not given.
At the upper left is a map of the world showing the colonies of the major European powers. This was was during the period in which Germany was beginning to reassert its interests in places such as the South Pacific, where its colonies had been formally assigned to Japan after the First World War.
In the map of Africa, Germany claims the following colonies: Togo, "Kamerun", "Deutsch-Sudwest Afrika", and "Deutsch-Ostafrika".
The map at the right shows the Siegfried Line and the Maginot Line on the eve of the German invasion of France.
Additionally, there is a diagram labeled: "Verhältnis der Flächeninhalte des Mutterlandes zum Kolonialbesitz" or "Relationship of the area of the mother country to colonial property". This relates to a common complaint among German and Italian propagandists in the first half of the 20th century. Namely that England and other European powers had too many colonial possessions when compared to the footprints of the metropoles, that this was unjust, and that it naturally should be rectified (by taking new colonies or by taking colonies away from Britain and other European nations).

* China: "Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2021's internationally recognized Country boundaries" ( []
* "Atlas of the Recovered Territories of Poland" (1947, via []:
Rare Atlas of the Regions Recovered by Poland After World War II
A rare and graphically sophisticated atlas that provides a multi-dimensional picture of the regions of Poland--then called the Recovered Territories--which were ceded back to Poland at the end of the Second World War.
In years following World War II, Soviet authorities instituted a Polanization of these territories that had been largely occupied by Germans. This involved the willing as well as forced migration of Poles from central and eastern Poland. Most Germans either fled the areas or were expelled and expressions of German culture expunged. Today these areas are called the Western Territories.
The maps display a multitude of aspects of these territories, using color and graphic design in inventive ways. They treat such subjects as soil, water resources, forested lands, mineral resources, "minefields cleared and fortifications dismantled," buildings and farms damaged in the war, the density of the Polish population in various areas, the locations of utilities and associated lines, and numerous other phenomena.
If viewed through the lens of Soviet propaganda, one is to infer from this atlas a paternalistic, virtually omniscient state authority.

* "Did Stalin Prepare to Invade Germany? Stalin's foreign policy concerning Germany in the years 1939-1941" (2021-11-06, []
* "Russian Admiral Says Kursk Sank Following Collision With NATO Sub" (2021-11-22, []
* "Kremlin Not Commenting on Alternative Versions of Kursk Submarine Disaster" (2021-11-22, []
* "Greenland survivors of cruel colonial experiment demand justice" (2021-11-23, [] [begin excerpt]:
Six indigenous Greenlanders have demanded compensation from the Danish government over a failed social experiment in the 1950s which saw them separated from their families and educated in Europe.
Speaking on Monday, Mads Pramming, a lawyer for the Inuits, said he would file a lawsuit against the Danish government for their colonial-era experiment unless he heard back from Copenhagen in the next two weeks.
He told Politiken daily that his clients “lost their family life, their language, their culture and their sense of belonging,” adding that this was “a violation of their right to private and family life, in accordance with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.”
The six survivors each want €33,600 ($37,800), their lawyer says.
In 1951, 22 Inuit children were separated from their homeland and taken to Denmark, enticed with the promise of a good education worthy of Greenland’s future elite. Copenhagen intended for the children to return home as role models for Greenland. Only six are still alive today, all are in their 70s. [end excerpt]
* "Díaz-Canel and Cuban students remember crime of 1871; Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel marched today with thousands of students to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the shooting of eight medicine students in 1871, one of the worst crimes in national history" (2021-11-27, [] [begin excerpt]:
On November 23, 1871, a group of first-year medicine students were waiting for their professor in the anatomical amphitheater next to the Espada Cemetery in Havana.
According to historical research, the young people dispersed around the cemetery, some of them rode around in wheelbarrow, another one plucked a flower and the rest played with each other. Subsequently, the Spanish colonial authorities accused them, without any proof, of desecrating the tomb of Spanish journalist Gonzalo Castañón.
This occurred in the midst of tense historical times due to the increasing number of defeats the Spanish army was suffering at the first war of independence in the island that had begun in 1868 in the eastern Cuba.
The first War Council acquitted the students underlining their innocence; however, due to the pressure from the colonial rule, the Spanish Volunteer Corps of Havana organized a second trial decided to sentence the young men to death as an examplary punishment.
On November 27, the students were shot, another group was sentenced to prison and then sent to exile. [end excerpt]
* " ‘There was a prophecy I would come’: the western men who think they are South Pacific kings; Travellers to tiny islands in Vanuatu claim to fulfil a local belief that a mysterious figure from afar will one day bring prosperity. What are they hoping for?" (2021-11-27, []
* "Unveiling the monument Spirit of Confederacy"
- Houston Texas, 1908

Dutch Gap is located on the James River in Chesterfield County, Virginia; it was started as a canal by Union forces during the American Civil War to cut off a curl of the river controlled by Confederate forts. The canal was completed after the war and is now the main channel of the James River in this area. It is north of the lost 17th-century town of Henricus. The name "Dutch Gap" may have a connection to the 1611 Cittie of Henricus. According to an unsubstantiated story, Sir Thomas Dale cut a ditch across the 500 yard wide neck of land behind the new fort, connecting the two parts of the James River. It became known as "Dale's Dutch Gap".
* "Civil War Harper's Weekly, January 21, 1865" ( []

* "The Dutch Gap Canal" (Free Library of Philadelphia)

- [comment]: If this is the only picture they have to show for it, they might as well pose with those shovels in the middle of the Grand Canyon. Where are all the wheelbarrows, and additional dirt removing equipment? Unless, of course, they were marching single shovels of dirt out of this cavity.
Additionally I'm wondering if at least one of those guys had ever done some digging. 5 minutes into it they would have been sweating everything they have off. Nice clean coats they have on. We have seen something similar in a different Civil War thread.
I guess if you really dedicate yourself, you can make those cuts with a shovel, but something tells me that those are tell tale signs of something other than shovel having been used.

I agree with everything, except that those guys look cold. Every person with a free hand has it in their pocket. Many have their face covered. There is ice on the ground. Can help explain the cleanliness as well. Easier to stay clean doing site work well below freezing.
I see nothing there to remove dirt, but maybe that's why they are standing around, waiting for a cart. I dunno though, I see no ruts or tracks from any equipment in the shot. Is an odd photo for sure, some guys have shovels, some picks, but some just look like a stick and one looks like a boat oar.
LOL. If the ground is indeed frozen, I can only wish them luck with those shovels.
I think this entire "canal" was done with heavy machinery, but that's just me.
Here is some tech from those time:
1868 boring machine, and some other equipment examples ( []

* photo showing Finished Dutch Gap Canal (April 1865):

* "1860s Time Machine - South Carolina (speed-corrected extracts from 1915's Birth of a Nation)" (via []:
Extracts from D.W. Griffiths 'Birth of a Nation' (released in 1915). Set in South Carolina, though the stage-play scene is in Washington. Set to a natural speed and added in sound for ambiance
* "History as Tragedy & Farce; When Mexico refused to pay its debts, European creditors landed soldiers at Veracruz. France aimed to install an underemployed archduke as monarch. He should have said no" (2021-11-13, Wall Street Journal, print edition, page C7) [], full article []:
THE SAGA OF Maximilian I, 1 Emperor of Mexico, has all the elements of grand op-era: international intrigue, ill-starred romance, abject betrayal .d a well-meaning hero with the tragic flaws of hubris and self-delu-sion. In his nonfiction account "The Last Emperor of Mexico," Edward Shawcross relates this sweeping, multilayered story with a drive and panache worthy of the subject. Mr. Shawcross, a British historian, creates a balanced and deeply human portrait of the emperor. Born in Vienna in 1832, Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian was the younger brother of Austrian em-peror Franz Joseph L A daydream, a talented linguist and a lover of poetry and plays, the young Maximilian was torn between his bone-deep reverence
for the House of Habsbw-g and his gen-uine sympathy for the liberal political reforms that were sweeping Europe. This second son was prone to restless-ness and melancholy, haunted by a con-viction that he was destined for a great-ness he could never fulfill. As Mr. Shawcross relates in his deeply researched narrative, Maximilian would ultimately find his fate in the political machinations of two continents. In Paris during the 1850s and 18605, Napoleon III was plotting to expand French influence in the Americas and working to discour-age another U.S. invasion of Mexico. Through a series of diplomatic maneu-verings, this became an attempt to declare a monarchy there and install a puppet "emperor." The designation was a bit hyperbolic, since the sovereign-to-be would male only Mexico, but the title was intended to elevate him to the same exalted plane as the emperors of Austria, France and Russia. Andthere was a precedent, since Agustin de Inn-bide contrived to have himself declared the first emperor of Mexico in 1822, in the chaos following the war of Mde-pendence from Spain. In the charming, underemployed Arch-duke Maximilian, Napoleon III believed he had found the ideal candidate: a mem-ber of one of Europe's most illustrious
royal families, which had deep ties to Mexico and Spain. Maximilian's forebear, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. had been king of Spain when conquistador Hunan Cortes landed in Mexico in 1519. When Napoleon's go-betweens ap-proached Maximilian in 1861, Mexican Conservatives had just lost a three-year civil war to the Liberals, who were led by Benito Juarez. and supported by the United States. The Mexican government was struggling under crushing foreign debts, and in January 1862, after Presi-dent Juarez .riounced a two-year mora-torium on payments, the country, credi-tors—France, Great Britain and Spain —landed troops at Veracruz to force re-Unbursement. When it became clear that France was more intent on regime change thom on debt collection, the other powers hastily withdrew. During his seduction of Ma.ximilian, Napoleon HI had assured him that London would support a monarchy in Mexico, though he knew that was not the case. He also guaranteed that the Mexican people would embrace a European emperor, but this deception wao exposed when Juarez, army resisted the invasion. The Mexicans repulsed the French at Puebla on May 5, 1862 (the original Cinco de Mayo), but their victory was short-lived. Napoleon III ordered 25,000 reinforcements to Mexico, and in May of the following year the impe-rialists succeeded in retaking Puebla, followed by Mexico City in June. Meanwhile, Juarez's republicans still controlled broad swaths of the coun-try, especially in the north and along the southern and western coasts. Pres-ident Abraham Lincoln protested France's flagrant violation of the Monroe Doctrine but, mired in his own civil war and afraid of driving Napoleon HI to the Confederate cause, was powerless to act. By now Maximilian and his wife, Carlota, daughter of King Leopold I of Belgium, should have realized that their reign in Mexico would not be the royal idyll they had been promised. But the two of them, gripped with ambition and an obstinate sense of duty, refused to abandon their imperial fantasy. Finally an-icing in Mexico in May 1864, they installed themselves in the capital's lav-ishly renovated Chapultepec Castle and set out to establish a modern constitu-tional monarchy. "The Mexican Empire," Mr. Shawcross vvrites, "was to be under-written by reconciliation after the ran-cour of civil war; through the organisa-tion of a stable goverinnent supported by the law, religion, and the nation; .d by economic progress and democracy. Under this heady mixture," Maximilian believed, "Mexico would one day be richer and more powerful than the United States." But the country was still deeply po-larized, and the new emperor was in an untenable position: too liberal for the Conservatives, too conservative and too European for the Liberals. Mexico's fi-nancial crisis had only deepened with the
replacement of the austere Juarez by the free-spending Maximilian. Worse, under his agreement with France, Maximilian was responsible for the expenses that country had incurred while invading
Mexico. As Mr. Shawcross notes, Napo-leon III "wanted to extend French power on the cheap: NIexico would pay for the privilege of its OWT1 occupation." 'that would have been a daunting challenge for the most determined .d skillful states-man, but the naive, overconfident, pro-crastinating Maximilian was spectacu-larly outmatched. Perhaps the greatest deception in his story was the delusion that the emperor practiced on himself. Events turned against Maximilian in 1865, when the American Civil War ended and Washington was finally able to send military and financial aid to the republicans and to demand the removal of French troops. Frustrated with Maxi-milian and now faced with the real pos-sibility of war with the United States, Napoleon III halted all additional loans and withdrew his forces, though he knew what the outcome would be. In February 1867, the French abandoned Mexico City and fled to Veracruz, where they had landed five years earlier. As the repub-lican troops advanced on the capital, Maximilian took personal command of the imperial army and refused to abdicate, invoking family honor and responsibility to "his" people. Meanwhile, a desperate Carlota journeyed to Europe to intercede with Napoleon III and Pope Pius IX. But after being rebuffed in Paris and the Vatican, she was beset by paranoid delusions and suffered an emotional breakdown from which she never recovered, apparently exacerbated by guilt for having enema.- aged Maximilian to accept the crown. She would spend the rest of her long life hidden away in Belgian castles witil her death in 1927. The dim. of Maximilian's drama came in March 1867. when. overwhelm-ing republican force surrounded the im-perial army in the central Mexican city of Queretaro. Betrayed again—by one of his officers, who accepted a bribe to guide enemy troops into his headquarters—Maximilian was taken prisoner. At last, he offered to abdicate and depart for Europe, but too late. Over international pleas for clemency, Juarez ordered a mil-itary trial, and following the failure of two desperate escape plots, the last em-peror of Mexico faced a firing squad on Jane 19, 1867 His final worth could have been lifted from the lyrics of a tragic opera: "I forgive everybody, I pray that everyone may also forgive me, and I wish that my blood, which is now to be shed, may be for the good of the countrn'. Long live Mexico, long live independence."
- image caption: Death Comes For The Archduke - 'The Last Moments of Mazimilian' (1882) by Jean-Paul Laurens.
- image caption: Man's Fate - Maxmilian's firing squad, June 19, 1867.---
* "Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. 50 Years Later" (2018-04-04, []

* "Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algeria’s Longest-Serving President, Dies at 84; Mr. Bouteflika, ousted from the presidency in 2019 after 20 years in office, joined the country’s fight for independence in the 1950s and helped lead the nation out of a brutal civil war in the 1990s" (2021-09-17, []
* " ‘Citizen Hearst’ chronicles the colorful life of the first media mogul, William Randolph Hearst" (2021-09-26, []
- image caption: William Randolph Hearst (center) with party attendees Douglas Fairbanks (left), Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin and Princess Bibesco.

Anarchist threads
Communist International History
"Most Russians regret USSR collapse, dream of its return, poll shows" (2016-04-19, []

Anarchist threads
Communist International History
"Most Russians regret USSR collapse, dream of its return, poll shows" (2016-04-19, []
While Einstein might not be the best person to speak on economics, he acknowledges this and said scientific methods and economics might seem the same, but economics are changing depending on society and other factors. He wrote science can't create ends but can find ways to meet them, but they must be vigorous, like the people who'll carry them forward.
At the time, society was going through many changes, especially after the war, and a colleague came up to Einstein and said "why are you so deeply opposed to the disappearance of the human race?"
Einstein noticed a lot of people thought like this now, and still do to this day. He noticed that man is both solitary and a social being.
We have both fixed biological constitutions, and cultural constitutions made by society. The biological one is our dependence on society, which can never be changed, the cultural ones are always changing based on what is dominant in society.
While trying to change society, we should be conscious of what we can't change.
This brings us to our crisis of the time that we must abolish, these are
1. Man's consciousness on his dependence on society, and how instead of viewing this as positive, he views it as an attack on his natural rights and economic existence. His social drives and rights are deteriorating and apply to all humans.
2. "The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil." We have producers stealing surplus value through competition, and while capitalists own the means of production, the worker works on them but doesn't earn what he produces.
Because the economy isn't planned, it creates a crisis of overproduction and depressions, because the worker's wages are scant, they can't buy but only necessities which heightens the contradiction. Even technology isn't used to save us from toiling but makes us unemployed.
The only end is a socialist state and economy.This will make education teach social goals. The means of production will be socially owned in a planned economy. This will adjust production for the community and distribute work towards all that can, instead of having an army of the unemployed and severe depressions.
Recommended Reading : Why Socialism? - Albert Einstein

What is a communist's proper orientation to the New Deal? Well, this question was answered by Stalin himself, in an interview conducted by the science fiction novelist H.G. Wells. The interview itself is a forerunner of the current debate within the American left between middle class socialism, as represented by Wells, and working class socialism, as represented by Stalin. Wells presented him with his rosy view of the possibilities of the New Deal leading to socialism, and Stalin offered this in response:
"But what will this "socialism" be? At best, bridling to some extent, the most unbridled of individual representatives of capitalist profit, some increase in the application of the principle of regulation in national economy. That is all very well. But as soon as Roosevelt, or any other captain in the contemporary bourgeois world, proceeds to undertake something serious against the foundation of capitalism, he will inevitably suffer utter defeat. The banks, the industries, the large enterprises, the large farms are not in Roosevelt's hands. All these are private property. The railroads, the mercantile fleet, all these belong to private owners. And, finally, the army of skilled workers, the engineers, the technicians, these too are not at Roosevelt's command, they are at the command of the private owners; they all work for the private owners (emphasis mine). We must not forget the functions of the State in the bourgeois world.
The State is an institution that organises the defence of the country, organises the maintenance of "order"; it is an apparatus for collecting taxes. The capitalist State does not deal much with economy in the strict sense of the word; the latter is not in the hands of the State. On the contrary, the State is in the hands of capitalist economy. That is why I fear that in spite of all his energies and abilities, Roosevelt will not achieve the goal you mention, if indeed that is his goal. Perhaps, in the course of several generations it will be possible to approach this goal somewhat; but I personally think that even this is not very probable."
* "Death to bourgeoisie" (1927, by Alexander Lyubimov, media using oil paint and canvass; via The Voronezh Art Museum, [], representing the first revolutionary militias in 1917.

November 19th, 1891 – Heinrich Yagoda was born. An anarcho-communist, then – Bolshevik since 1917.
A founder of NKVD (reorganized from OGPU) and GULAG. Was purged in 1938.
The picture: H.Yagoda’s file in tsarist police from 1912 (as a young anarchist).

November 16th, 1943 – an antifascist resistance fighter Konstantin Chekhovich blew up a cinema in the Nazi occupied Russian town of Porkhov killing at one moment 760 Nazis including 2 generals.
Konstantin Chekhovich was a communist and mechanic from Odessa. In 1941 was a Red Army soldier who was captured, but escaped from a concentration camp and joined partisans. Totally, during his activity killed some 3 500 Nazis, derailed 49 trains, blew up 13 bridges.
After the war worked at the Odessa mechanical plant, died in 1997.

Snippets of Jewish History
* "The Jews" (1922, by Hilaire Belloc, via [], table of content [begin excerpt]:
The Thesis of this Book 3
The Jews are an alien body within the society they inhabit—hence irritation and friction—a problem is presented by the strains thus set up—the solution of that problem is urgently necessary.
An alien body in any organism is disposed of in one of two ways: elimination and segregation.
Elimination may be by destruction, by excretion or by absorption—in the case of the Jews the first is abominable and, further, has failed—the second means exile: it has also failed—the third, absorption, the most probable and most moral, has failed throughout the past, though having everything in its favour.
There remains segregation, which may be of two forms: hostile to, or careless of, the alien body, or friendly to it and careful of its good—in this latter form it may best be called Recognition. The first kind of segregation has often been attempted in history—it has been partially successful over long periods—but has always left behind it a sense of injustice and has not really solved the problem—also it has always failed in the end.
The true solution is in the second kind of segregation, that is, recognition on both sides of a separate Jewish nationality.
The Denial of the Problem 17
In the immediate past the problem was shirked in Western Europe by a mere denial of its existence—some [Pg xii]were honestly ignorant of the existence of a Jewish nation—some thought the difference one of religion only—more admitted the existence of a separate nation but thought a convenient fiction, that it did not exist, necessary to the modern state.
This ignorance or fiction has broken down in our own time—partly through the necessary reaction of truth against any falsehood—partly through the increasing numbers of the Jews in Western countries—more through the great increase of their power.
Yet, though this old "Liberal" fiction about the Jews is dead, having proved unworkable in the face of fact, it had something to be said for it—it secured peace for a while—it chose models from the past—and it was based on a certain truth, to wit, that the Jew takes on very rapidly the superficial characters of the nation in which he happens for the time to be living—moreover it was desired by the Jews themselves—example of the old Jewish Peer and his claim "to be let alone"—practical proof of the failure in his case.
At any rate the old "Liberal" fiction is now quite useless—the problem is admitted and must be solved.
The Present Phase of the Problem 43
The Jewish problem, present throughout history, has assumed a particular character to-day—it is the character of a sharp reaction against the old pretence that Jews were identical with the nations in which they happened to live—it first took the form of irritation only—it was suddenly exasperated in a very high degree by the Jewish revolution in Russia—but long before this the increasing power of Jews in public life, the anti-Semitic writing on the Continent, the Dreyfus agitation, the South African War, and the Jewish leadership of Socialism had prepared the way—The situation on the outbreak of the Great War—Bolshevism—a short description to be expanded in a later chapter—Bolshevism is a Jewish movement, but not a movement of the Jewish race as a whole—its particular effect was to release criticism of Jewish power which had hitherto been silent from fear of, or sympathy with, Capitalism.
Men hesitated to attack the Jews as financiers because the stability of society and of their own fortunes was [Pg xiii]bound up with finance—but when a body of Jews also appeared as the active enemies of existing society and of private fortune, the restraint was removed—since the Bolshevist movement open (and hostile) discussion of the Jewish problem has become universal.
The General Causes of Friction 69
The strain between Jewry and its hosts in Islam and Christendom much older than any modern cause can account for—the true causes are both general and particular—I call those general which are ineradicable and proceed from the contrasting natures of the two races, particular those which depend upon the will on either side and can be modified to the advantage of both.
The general cause of friction being a contrast in fundamental character, we note that the common accusations brought against Jews are false, as are the common praises given him by those not of the race.—In each case what has to be noted is not a series of virtues or vices special to the Jew, but the racial character or tone of each quality.
These examined—the Jewish courage—examples—the Jewish generosity—the strength of Jewish patriotism—the consequent indifference to our national feelings—accusations arising therefrom, especially in time of war—the Jewish power of concentration—of eloquence—the Jewish tendency to "push" a Jewish success and hide a Jewish failure or danger—the evil effects of this tendency in our mutual relations.
The poverty of the Jewish people—false effect produced by a few great Jewish fortunes—the instability of these—cringing of wealthy Europeans to Jewish money-dealers—dependence of our politicians on wealthy Jews—evil effect of this in the attempt to regulate domestic affairs of Eastern Europe.
The ill effect of the partially Jewish financial monopoly—especially with Parliamentary corruption as pronounced as it is to-day.
The Special Causes of Friction 99
I have called "Special" causes of Friction those [Pg xiv]which are remedial at will by either party—they would seem to be, on the Jewish side, the habit of secrecy and the habit of expressing a sense of superiority—on our side a disingenuousness and unintelligence in our treatment of Jews and a lack of charity.
The deplorable Jewish habit of secrecy—the use of false names—examples—excuses for same not adequate—a regular code of such names which deceive us but can be decoded by fellow Jews.
The expression of superiority by the Jew—our statesmanship has never sufficiently allowed for it—examples of this expression—Jewish interference in our religion—or national quarrels—and other departments which are alien to Jewish interests—on the other hand this quality has been a preservation of the race—the Jew should note the corresponding sense of superiority on our side—even the poor hack-writer, if he be of European blood, feels himself superior to the Jewish millionaire.
* "Chabad appalled as item used by Lubavitcher Rebbe goes on sale; Community opposes sale of license plate of the car in which Menachem Mendel Schneerson used to be driven around. Pressure leads to owner having second thoughts" (2021-11-10, []
Overviews of World History before the Modern Age
Eastern Europe, roots of modern division...
* "Poland As Divided" (1815, by John Thomson, in Atlas of Scotland, published in Edinburgh; via []
* "Poland As Divided" (1815, by John Thomson, in Atlas of Scotland, published in Edinburgh; via []

* "Turkey in Europe" (1851, by John Tallis, for R. Montgomery Martin's Illustrated Atlas, published in London; via []

* "Africa & Ancient Waterways: Some International Comparisons" (2018-01-21, []
* "Turcicum Imperium" (1625, by Jodocus Hondius, in London; via []:
Striking map of the region bounded by the Mediterranean, Greece and Itay in the West and Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea in the east and centered on Turkey and Cyprus.
Includes English text on both sides. From the 1625-26 edition of Purchas His Pilgrims, one of the seminal early 17th Century English Language travel works. On a 13 x 9 inch sheet with English text, front and back.
Jodocus Hondius Biography
Jodocus Hondius the Elder (1563-1612), or Joost de Hondt, was one of the most prominent geographers and engravers of his time. His work did much to establish Amsterdam as the center of cartographic publishing in the seventeenth century. Born in Wakken but raised in Ghent, the young Jodocus worked as an engraver, instrument maker, and globe maker.
Hondius moved to London in 1584, fleeing religious persecution in Flanders. There, he worked for Richard Hakluyt and Edward Wright, among others. Hondius also engraved the globe gores for Emery Molyneux’s pair of globes in 1592; Wright plotted the coastlines. His engraving and nautical painting skills introduced him to an elite group of geographic knowledge seekers and producers, including the navigators Drake, Thomas Cavendish, and Walter Raleigh, as well as engravers like Theodor De Bry and Augustine Ryther. This network gave Hondius access to manuscript charts and descriptions which he then translated into engraved maps.
In 1593 Hondius returned to Amsterdam, where he lived for the rest of his life. Hondius worked in partnership with Cornelis Claesz, a publisher, and maintained his ties to contacts in Europe and England. For example, from 1605 to 1610, Hondius engraved the plates for John Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine.
One of Hondius’ most successful commercial ventures was the reprinting of Mercator’s atlas. When he acquired the Mercator plates, he added 36 maps, many engraved by him, and released the atlas under Mercator’s name, helping to solidify Mercator’s reputation posthumously. Hondius died in 1612, at only 48 years of age, after which time his son of the same name and another son, Henricus, took over the business, including the reissuing of the Mercator atlas. After 1633, Hondius the Elder’s son-in-law, Johannes Janssonius, was also listed as a co-publisher for the atlas.
Samuel Purchas Biography
Samuel Purchas (bap. 1577-1626) is one of the most famous geographers and editors in English history. His important Hakluytus Posthumus served as a source for subsequent geographers for over a century. Purchas was baptized in Thaxted, Essex in 1577, the sixth of ten children. He attended university at St. John’s College, Cambridge and graduated with a BA in 1597 and an MA in 1600. Highly educated, Purchas dedicated his skills to serving as a clergyman in the Church of England. He was ordained as a deacon in 1598 and as a priest in 1601. After serving in several parishes, he became chaplain to Archbishop George Abbot in ca. 1613, the first of several London appointments. At King James’s College, Chelsea, he wrote his only published sermon.
It was at King James’s College that he also composed much of his master work, Hakluytus Posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes (1624–5). Purchas called upon his relationship with his famous predecessor in travel editing, Richard Hakluyt. In 1620, Purchas acquired the remaining manuscripts collected by Hakluyt and these form the basis for his own work. When it was published, it took three years to print and was the largest book ever published in England. Purchas not only edited and compiled the travel accounts covering Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, but he added anti-Catholic commentary of his own. He died in 1626, shortly after the volumes appeared.
Purchas is important not only as a source for geographers, but for the maps included in his travel collection. The first edition contained nearly ninety maps, some of which were completed by Jodocus Hondius. Not all the maps were original, but there are nevertheless several highly influential maps. For example, the famous John Smith Map of Virginia featured in Purchas’ work. Purchas also included the Henry Briggs Map of North America, the first map in English to show California as an island, as well as the first map to name Hudson’s Bay and the Hudson River. Additionally, there is the William Alexander Map of the Northeast, which pioneered many new place names; Roe’s map of North India, the earliest English map of Mogul lands; and Saris’ map of China, which shows Korea as a peninsula.
- [note]:
Old Caspian
And an old Persian Gulf
* "Should canals connecting the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Mediterranean and the Gulf be built in Arabia?" (2018-09-22, [] [begin excerpt]:
Not many millennia ago KSA was home to some of the largest lakes and longest rivers in the world. [end excerpt]

* "Sir Francis Drake's Landing is Now a Historical Landmark" (2021-10-29, []
On October 6, 2021, the California State Parks director Armando Quintero designated Francis Drake’s 1579 California landing, Site of New Albion, as a California Historical Landmark, number 1061.
This finalized the unanimous approval given by the seven-member State Historical Resources Commission in August 2020. Nominated by the Drake Navigators Guild, it had been presented to the Commission by historian State Historian William Burg and the State Historic Preservation Officer Julianne Polanco. The Drake Navigators Guild, a history research organization, is headquartered in Orangevale, California, with Steve Wright as president.
The landmark, located within the boundaries of Point Reyes National Seashore at Drake’s Cove, is the landing site and encampment of Francis Drake and his crew on their journey to California in 1579. While Drake voyaged on his circumnavigating expedition aboard the Golden Hind, New Albion was the place where Drake and his crew interacted with the Coast Miwok people and made the first English territorial claim in what is now the United States. Drake’s New Albion claim predates later English claims at Roanoke (1585), Jamestown (1607), and Plymouth (1620).
The site is recognized for many first events for California:
First English claim to what would become the United States. First interactions between native peoples and Europeans in northern California. Friendly, peaceful relations over five weeks; First use of the term Nova Albion (New England) for the USA. This refers to the white cliffs at Drakes Bay; First use of the English language in the future United States; First Protestant church service in the future United States; First use of the Book of Common Prayer in the future United States; First European contact in northern California; First Black persons in California; Black slaves freed from Spanish enslavement by Drake along South America and Mexico; First Hispanic person in northern California; Including de Moreno who chose to stay in California and walked, over four years, back to Mexico; First Chinese and Filipino trade goods brought to California.
Wright said, “We are pleased to see California distinguish Drake’s Cove as the site of Francis Drake’s 1579 landing and New Albion claim. No Drake anchorage in the world has been as deeply researched as has this California landmark.” The nomination, submitted by the DNG, received support from historians and archaeologists from Great Britain, Canada, California, and Oregon. The site is also related to a National Historic Landmark, Drakes Bay Archeological and Historic District, which was awarded on October 17, 2012.
Founded in 1949, the DNG, headquartered in Orangevale CA, is nonprofit history research group which brings together persons from many fields of scholarship and nations to study the early exploration of the west coast of North America.
Its members and associates have included practical seamen including Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, Sir Simon Cassels, Lord Louis Mountbatten, and Captain Adolph S. Oko, Jr. Additionally, awardwinning historians Barry Gough, Edward Von der Porten, and Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison have been members.
The DNG continues to support research and education about Francis Drake’s visit to the west coast of North America. Additionally, the Guild has researched and assisted study with numerous other related maritime explorations and events.
- image caption: Drake's Cove was altered shortly after WWII by William Hall, the rancher who owned the land. He bulldozed a dam across part of the Cove to make a stock pond for his cattle. It is fed by a

- image caption: Steve Wright is President of the Drake Navigators Guild, which submitted the nomination for the Drake’s Bay Historic and Archaeological District National Historic Landmark awarded on October 17, 2012.

* ( []

* "A Brief Sampling of Evidence Affirming Drake's Landing at Drake's Bay in Northern California" ( []:
- "The Ming Porcelain Artifacts" ( []
- "PORTUS NOVAE ALBIONIS: The Hondius Inset" ( []
-- image caption: The Hondius Inset is oriented with north generally to the right in this view.

-- image caption: A 1950s era photo by Guild member Matthew Dillingham shows the Cove including all of Hall’s pond and corresponding dam. From roughly the same position as the photographer, Ray Aker illustrates the probable position of the 1579 artist.

-- image caption: This shows the Moluccas Inset from the Hondius Broadside. The view is as would have been seen from aboard a ship when looking east toward the islands.
-- image caption: The following is a study by Ray Aker in which he correlates the Moluccas Inset view with a birds-eye view of landforms. This establishes the Moluccas Inset artist depicting the Moluccas in an orientation, east at the top of the inset, which is different than the orientation of the primary Hondius Broadside image of the world.

- "Fully Feathered Baskets" ( []
- "Drakes Bay, Drakes Estero, and Drake’s Cove" ( []
- "Ethnography of The Coast Miwok" ( []
- "The Latitude Evidence" ( []
-- image caption: This detail from Dudley's Chart No. 85 shows Nova Albion at 38°. Also evident at Nova Albion is a geographical feature labeled La Punta, The Point. The feature is now called Point Reyes. The faint latitude line accurately projects the position of the white cliffs which period chroniclers indicated did lie toward the sea.

- "General Geographic Evidence" ( [] [begin excerpt]:
A good friend of Drake, Robert Dudley, originally wrote using Italian in Carta Particolare, Chart No XXXIII, this English version:
He called it New Albion in honor of his own country England, which in ancient ties had been called Albion because of the white cliffs and the coast where it was first discovered.
Albion, an archaic name for England, means white in Latin, and the name was given to England for the white cliffs which border the English Channel. White cliffs would have been a familiar and welcome sight to an English mariner who was far home. [...]
What is also important to focus site identification is that the white cliffs are located almost entirely on the northwest side of Drakes Bay. It is difficult to see them from a vessel at sea telling us that Drake had to observe these cliffs from a relatively close proximity. In addition, the bancks are mentioned. These are lesser facings on the Bay and Estero. Any site claiming to be New Albion must have these cliffs and banks in close proximity as mentioned in the contemporary accounts of Drake’s voyage.
White cliffs at Drakes Bay match the those described in the contemporary accounts of Drake’s landing. The striking resemblance is evident at Drakes Bay at Point Reyes with the Seven Sisters cliffs in England. [end excerpt]
-- video: "Drake's Beach" (2012, via []
-- image montage caption: Seven Sister, England / Drakes Bay, California

- "Flora and Fauna Evidence" ( []
* "About Drakes Bay National Historic and Archaeological District" ( []
- "What is the Drakes Bay National Historic and Archaeological District?" ( []
- "Why is a National Historic Landmark so important and affirming?" ( []
- "What exactly is New Albion?" ( []
- "How Does One Access the Landing Site?" ( []
- "Who is Sebastián Rodrigues Cermeño?" ( []
- "Who are the Coast Miwok?" ( []

* "An Overview of the Life and Times of Sir Francis Drake" ( []
- "Who is Sir Francis Drake?" ( []
- "What are some details about Drake's circumnavigating voyage?" ( []
- "What is the circumnavigation timeline?" ( []
- "What is the timeline of Drake's life?" ( []
- "What and where is the Golden Hind?" ( []
- "What is Tello’s Bark?" ( []
- "What was the background that enabled and supported British sea dog exploits like Drake’s?" ( []
- "Who was the only person left behind at New Albion?" ( []
- "What and where was the Strait of Anian?" ( []

* "About The Drake Navigators Guild" ( []
- "The DNG's Story" ( []

* Willem Isaacsz. van Swanenburg - The Land Yacht ( []
* Michael van Meer, Album Amicorum, (or Stam Boek, Stamboek, Stammbuch, book of friends) ( []

* 1631 map by John Speed
- "Published Works of the Drake Navigators Guild" ( []
- "Drake Navigators Guild Notable Members and Collaborators" ( []
-- Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison (July 9, 1887—May 15, 1976) ( []
-- Raymond Aker (March 10, 1920—January 4, 2003) ( []
-- Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz (February 24, 1885 – February 20, 1966) ( []
-- Edward von der Porten (October 29, 1933—April 9, 2018) ( []
-- William Edward Kenelm, the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe (October 9, 1873—February 10, 1965) ( []
-- Admiral Sir Simon Cassels ( March 5, 1928—March 6, 2019 ) ( []
-- Captain Adolph S. Oko Jr. (1904—1968) ( []
-- Admiral of the Fleet Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (June 25, 1900—August 27, 1979) ( []
-- Robert Allen (1925 June 21, 1925—July 3, 2016) ( []
-- Craig Campbell ( []
-- Matthew P. Dillingham (September 4, 1916—February 2, 1986) ( []
-- Robert Lynch ( May 28, 1925—Jan 14, 2019) ( []
-- Susan Allen ( []
- "The Endorsement Of Scholars" ( []
* "Additional Resources" ( []:
Report of Findings Relating to Identification of Sir Francis Drake's Encampment at Point Reyes National Seashore
A comphrehensive book by Raymond Aker of findings up to 1970 relating to Drake's landing at Point Reyes, CA.
This copy of the report is provided for research purposes. Copyright held by Aker family.
Part 1 (Pages 1-76) []
Part 2 (Pages 77-236) []
Part 3 (Hondius Broadside - map) []
Part 4 (Olema Valley photos) []
Part 5 (Pages 236 to 324) []
Part 6 (Pages 325 to 446) []
Part 7 (Pages 447 to 456) []
Part 7 (Pages 457 to 469) []
DNG Archaeology Research
The DNG's archeological and natural science findings.
This copy of the report is provided for research purposes. Copyright held by authors' families.
Kraak Plate Design Sequence 1550 to 1655 []
The Drake and Cermeño Epeditions' Chinese Porcelains at Drakes Bay, California. 1579 and 1595
Identification of "an herbe much like our letuce" (
An Examination of Botanical References in the Accounts Relating to Drake's Encampment at Nova Albion in 1579 []
National Historic Landmark Documents
The United States Department of the Interior has recognized Francis Drake's and Sebastian Cermeño's encampments and interactions with the Coast Miwok people.
National Historic Landmark application ( []
Notes of DNG presentation to NHL public hearing []
Redacted slides of NHL public hearing presentation (The slides are redacted to protect the sensitive nature of the archeological resource.) (
Sir Simon Cassels letter read at NHL public hearing (
NPS press release of NHL []
National Historic Landmark Dedication Ceremony
A ceremony was held at Point Reyes National Seashore to commemorate the National Historic Landmark.
Copyrights of this material belongs to the authors or their families.
Edward Von der Porten speech at NHL dedication ceremony []
Dr. Marco Meneketti speech at NHL dedication ceremony []
Miwok Archaeological Preserve article: page 1(The slides are redacted to protect the sensitive nature of the archeological resource.) []
Miwok Archaeological Preserve article: page 2 []
Miwok Archaeological Preserve article: page 3 []
NHL Ceremony Invitation From National Park Service []
NPS Press Release []
"The Harleian Miscellany : A collection of scarce, curious.... vol. 3" publication date 1744-1746.

Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Mathesis biceps, vetus et nova, Campaniae/Lyon 1670, p. 646, with figure:
"Primi, qui velis, coeperunt currus vehere fuerunt Tartari, qui borealiorem Asiae partem habitant: apud quos est longa, & aperta planities, quam traiiciunt curribus, quos nulli equi, aut rengiferi trahunt, sed venti promovent."
"The first who begun using carts driven with sails where the Tartarians who occupied the northern part of Asia. They have a long and open plain (s) where they use wagons not pulled by animals but put in motion by means of wind."
Around 1600 Flemish engineer Simon Stevin designed and built two land sailing yaughts for Prince of Orange Maurice Nassau which are shown in the following drawings.
* ( [], image caption: Land yachts designed by Simon Stevin in the year 1600

* Willem Isaacsz. van Swanenburg - The Land Yacht ( []
* Michael van Meer, Album Amicorum, (or Stam Boek, Stamboek, Stammbuch, book of friends) ( []
The earliest text describing the Chinese use of mounting masts and sails on large vehicles is the Book of the Golden Hall Master written by the Daoist scholar and crown prince Xiao Yi, who later became Emperor Yuan of Liang (r. 552–554 AD). He wrote that Gaocang Wushu invented a "wind-driven carriage" which was able to carry thirty people at once. There was another built in about 610 for the Emperor Yang of Sui (r. 604–617), as described in the Continuation of the New Discourses on the Talk of the Times.
European travelers from the 16th century onwards mentioned sailing carriages with surprise. In 1585 (during the Chinese Ming Dynasty), Gonzales de Mendoza wrote that the Chinese had many coaches and wagons mounted with sails, and even depicted them in artwork of silk hanfu robes and on earthenware vessels.
In the 1584 atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum written by the cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1527–1598), there are large Chinese carriages depicted with sails and masts. Likewise, there are the same Chinese vehicles with sails depicted in the Atlas of Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594), as well as the 1626 book Kingdome of China by John Speed. The English poet John Milton (1608–1674) popularized the Chinese sailing carriage in Europe with a poem written in 1665.

* 1631 map by John Speed

* Chinese sedan, engraving by Theodor de Bry (1528-1598) from 1598 German edition of "Ander Theil der Orientalischen Indien" the "Indiae Orientalis" by Theodor and his sons Johann Theodor de Bry (1561–1623) and Johann Israel de Bry (1565–1609). The book sets out the travels of Jan Huygen van Linschoten.


* "Greenland’s Lost Islands" (2013-09-22, []:
Greenland is pretty unique. For a start, it’s the site of the only major permanent Viking colony in North America. It’s also one of the few places on Earth where a European population was expelled by colonists from a different, technologically more advanced culture. The story of Greenland also involves mysterious lost islands. And who doesn’t love mysterious lost islands?
The first European to see Greenland was Gunnbjørn Ulfsson, who encountered a set of flat islands (skerries) between Iceland and Greenland. Settlements sprang up on these islands and they became the first European settlements in North America. Providing we accept that Greenland is in North America, Gunnbjørn’s skerries are part of Greenland, and that Gunnbjørn’s skerries ever existed. All of these points are contested.
Gunnbjørn’s skerries are sometimes explained as a hallucination, or as a semantic misunderstanding. But according to one source the islands hosted a small population, and were reported to have been destroyed by a volcano in 1456. One thing that backs up this story is that an island did briefly reappear in 1783, in around the same place, as the result of an earthquake.
After the first colonies were set up, History happened. The area was far more green than it is today, so the colonists could live reasonably well. But as early as 975, the Greenlanders were suffering famine winters where “the old and helpless were killed and thrown over cliffs”.
This was just a taste of things to come, though. The winter of 975 was a chill at the start of the Medieval Warm Period, the colony in Greenland seems to have died out around four centuries later in the Little Age Age. The population didn’t freeze to death, it seems they just became unprofitable: they started to need more imports to survive but had less to trade.
People left to find work elsewhere, and the colony grew smaller rapidly. The last written record we have is a record sent to Iceland to prove that Thorstein Olafsson of Iceland and Sigrid Björnsdottir of Greenland had married in Hvalsey Fjord Church in Greenland on Sept. 14, 1408.
There are later sources referring to Greenland, though. They tell us that in the 1410s, a new people arrived near the Greenland settlements, burnt the churches and took most of the people as prisoners. These people were the Inuit. Like the Vikings, the Inuits took advantage of the warm period to expand. As the Vikings spread west, the Inuits spread east from Alaska. Inuit technology was specialised for arctic environments and this gave them the edge over other groups as things cooled down. By the time the Europeans returned, the Inuit had been living in Greenland peacefully for centuries.
The Norse seem to have hung on till at least 1448, but at some point after that, the colony vanished. The lack of precious materials left behind indicates that the Norse left peacefully, and no site of battle has been found yet. But the Inuits apparently believe that they beat the Vikings in open battle and chased them to Cape Farewell for a final showdown.
If Gunnbjørn’s skerries existed, and if they were destroyed by a volcano in 1456 they could well have been the first and last Norse colony in Greenland. Which would be a final stroke of bad luck for this colony. An ice age and getting out-competed by another tribe are bad enough. Their last island getting destroyed by a volcano would be taking the piss.
Gunnbjörn's skerries (Gunnbjarnarsker) were a group of small islands lying close between Iceland and Greenland, discovered by Gunnbjörn Ulfsson in the 9th century. They became a popular stopover for ships traveling to Greenland and a brief attempt to set up a colony was made about 970. Snæbjörn Galti visited around 978. A later attempt succeeded and by 1391 there were 18 farms on the islands.[1] Apparently in 1456, according to Ruysch's 1507 map, the islands "completely burned up",[2] i.e. were destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Ivar Bardsen mentions them in his work "Description of Greenland in the Fourteenth Century". On later maps, as late as 1700, such as Jan van Keulen's "Pascaert van Groenlandt",[3] the shoals formed by the remains of the explosion was noted with the name "Gombar Scheer".[4]
The location of the former islands is not exactly known. Captain Graah gives their position as 65°N 30°W,[5][6] but the position 69°N 17°W is more likely.[citation needed]
1. Ramsay, Raymond (1972). "Appendix II: Sunken Islands near Iceland". No Longer on the Map. New York: Viking Press. pp. 246–7. ISBN 0-670-51433-0.
2. Markham, Sir Clements Robert (April 1874). "The Voyages of the Zeni". The Geographical Magazine. 1: 25. Insula hæc Anno 1456 fuit totaliter combusta
3. Richard Henry Major (1873). "Introduction". THE VOYAGES OF NICOLO AND ANTONIO ZENO. Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society, Volume 50. Hakluyt Society. p. lxxvi. The shoal was represented as full sixty miles long from north to south and about twenty five miles broad from east to west The soundings at the north and south ends were both twenty five fathoms while the nearest soundings northwards were seventy eighty and one hundred fathoms.
4. Rupin, Charles (1970). Les idées économiques de Sully et leurs applications à l'agriculture, aux finances, et à l'industrie (in French). Ayer. pp. 75–76. ISBN 0-8337-3096-7.
5. Richard Henry Major (1873). "Introduction". THE VOYAGES OF NICOLO AND ANTONIO ZENO. Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society, Volume 50. Hakluyt Society. p. lxxiv.
6. "List of names of places in Greenland". A Selection of Papers on Arctic Geography and Ethnology: Reprinted, and Presented to the Arctic Expedition of 1875. London: John Murray. 1875. p. 204.
* "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. [&] Parergon, sive Veteris Geographiae Aliquot Tabulae. [&] Nomenclator Ptolemaicus. [&] De Mona Druidum." (1612, by ORTELIUS, Abraham; via via []:
Antwerp: Officinina Plantiniana, 1612, Latin text edition. Four works in one. Folio, rebound in contemporary blind-stamped vellum; 'Theatrum' with engraved title, pp. (xxxxiiii), with engr. dedication, memorial and portrait; with 128 maps; 'Parergon' with engraved title, pp. (iv) + 38 plates; 'Nomenclator' with letterpress title with engraved vignette, pp. 30; 'Druidum' pp. 5. Theatrum titlepage with some marginal repairs, some old ink manuscript on first few maps and occasionally in text. A fine example of the world's first regularly-produced atlas, one of the later editions, containing important maps not in earlier editions, including the Pacific, China and Iceland, as well as the Vrients British Isles and Boazio map of Ireland. One of the last latin editions thus containing the largest number of maps, 166 in total, i.e 128 maps in the 'Theatrum' part, plus a further 38 maps and plates in the 'Parergon' section , which was Ortelius's atlas of the ancient world; many of the maps in the Parergon were drawn by Ortelius himself. VAN DEN BROECKE: p.26, estimating 300 copies printed; KOEMAN: Ort 41, 'The last of the Latin editions of the 'Theatrum' and the most complete'.
* "Europam, Sive Celticam Veterem" (1624, by Abraham Ortelius, pubilshed in Antwerp; via,+Sive+Celticam+Veterem+.+.+.) []:
* "Europam, Sive Celticam Veterem" (1624, by Abraham Ortelius, pubilshed in Antwerp; via,+Sive+Celticam+Veterem+.+.+.) []:
A striking example of Ortelius's map of the Celtic Empire, from Ortelius's Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, first published in 1570.
This map first appeared in the 1595 edition of the atlas and is believed to be derived from Ortelius' two-sheet map of the Roman Empire issued in 1571, and classical sources, including Salustius, Plinius, Herodotus, Strabo, and Dionysius.
The map was later copied by Janssonius, with different cartouches, in the middle of the 17th century.

Abraham Ortelius is perhaps the best known and most frequently collected of all sixteenth-century mapmakers. Ortelius started his career as a map colorist. In 1547 he entered the Antwerp guild of St Luke as afsetter van Karten. His early career was as a business man, and most of his journeys before 1560, were for commercial purposes. In 1560, while traveling with Gerard Mercator to Trier, Lorraine, and Poitiers, he seems to have been attracted, largely by Mercator’s influence, towards a career as a scientific geographer. From that point forward, he devoted himself to the compilation of his Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World), which would become the first modern atlas.
In 1564 he completed his “mappemonde", an eight-sheet map of the world. The only extant copy of this great map is in the library of the University of Basel. Ortelius also published a map of Egypt in 1565, a plan of Brittenburg Castle on the coast of the Netherlands, and a map of Asia, prior to 1570.
On May 20, 1570, Ortelius’ Theatrum Orbis Terrarum first appeared in an edition of 70 maps. By the time of his death in 1598, a total of 25 editions were published including editions in Latin, Italian, German, French, and Dutch. Later editions would also be issued in Spanish and English by Ortelius’ successors, Vrients and Plantin, the former adding a number of maps to the atlas, the final edition of which was issued in 1612. Most of the maps in Ortelius' Theatrum were drawn from the works of a number of other mapmakers from around the world; a list of 87 authors is given by Ortelius himself
In 1573, Ortelius published seventeen supplementary maps under the title of Additamentum Theatri Orbis Terrarum. In 1575 he was appointed geographer to the king of Spain, Philip II, on the recommendation of Arias Montanus, who vouched for his orthodoxy (his family, as early as 1535, had fallen under suspicion of Protestantism). In 1578 he laid the basis of a critical treatment of ancient geography with his Synonymia geographica (issued by the Plantin press at Antwerp and republished as Thesaurus geographicus in 1596). In 1584 he issued his Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, a Parergon (a series of maps illustrating ancient history, sacred and secular). Late in life, he also aided Welser in his edition of the Peutinger Table (1598).
* "Russia Alba or Moscovia... | The Dominions of the Czar of Russia Alba or Great Duke of Moscovia in which ar the Dukedoms of Moscow, Wolodimer, Rezan, Worotin, Novogorod-Sewierski, Czernihow, Smolensko, Reschow, Twer, Novogorod-Weliki, Biele Jezora, Wologda, Ieroslaw..." (1682, published in London; via []:
Impressive two-sheet engraved antique map of Russia, published by the 17th century London mapmaker William Berry in 1682.
The map covers all of Russia to the Ural Mountains and also depicts a large Kingdom of Poland dominating most of Eastern Europe.
The map was issued in two known states, this being the first.
The map is dedicated to King Charles II, who ruled England until his death in 1685. Many of Berry's pre-1685 maps are dedicated to Charles II.
Many of Berry's maps are derived from Sanson via Jaillot and the same is true of this map.

* "Henri de Saint-Simon French social reformer" ( [] [begin excerpt]:
Among his many later publications were De la réorganisation de la société européenne (1814; “On the Reorganization of European Society”) and L’industrie (1816–18, in collaboration with Auguste Comte; “Industry”). [...]
Apart from the details of his socialist teachings, his main ideas are simple and represented a reaction against the bloodletting of the French Revolution and the militarism of Napoleon. Saint-Simon correctly foresaw the industrialization of the world, and he believed that science and technology would solve most of humanity’s problems. Accordingly, in opposition to feudalism and militarism, he advocated an arrangement whereby businessmen and other industrial leaders would control society. The spiritual direction of society would be in the hands of scientists and engineers, who would thus take the place occupied by the Roman Catholic church in the European Middle Ages. What Saint-Simon desired, in other words, was an industrialized state directed by modern science, and one in which society would be organized for productive labour by the most capable men. The aim of society would be to produce things useful to life. Saint-Simon also proposed that the states of Europe form an association to suppress war. These ideas had a profound influence on the philosopher Auguste Comte, who worked with Saint-Simon until the two men quarreled.
Although the contrast between the labouring and the propertied classes in society is not emphasized by Saint-Simon, the cause of the poor is discussed, and in his best-known work, Nouveau Christianisme (1825; “The New Christianity”), it takes the form of a religion. It was this development of Saint-Simon’s teaching that occasioned his final rupture with Comte. [end excerpt]
* "Where is Vinland? Maps" ( []
- image caption: Stefánsson map, c.1590, The map shows Greenland as part of the polar mainland and Helluland, Markland and Skrælingeland south and west of Greenland. Separated from the latter by a narrow strait is a long narrow peninsula called in Latin Promontorium Vinlandiæ, the Promontory of Vinland. The peninsula is more or less on the same latitudes as England and Ireland., Sigurd Stefánsson, Manuscript Department, Royal Library, Copenhagen

* "Skálholt Map" ( []
* "1854: History of the two Tartar conquerors of China by Nicolaas Witsen" (2020-12-17, []:

* "1854: History of the two Tartar conquerors of China by Nicolaas Witsen" (2020-12-17, []:
The first appearance of Witsen's work was at Amsterdam in 1692, folio. The French version was also inserted in the fourth volume of the “ Recueil des Voyages au Nord”, Amst. 1732, 16mo., and also in the fourth volume of Du Halde's “ Description de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise", Paris, 1735-6, 4to. Father Verbiest continued to enjoy the imperial favor till his death, on the 7th of February, 1688, and so great was the grief at his loss, and the respect paid to him, that his funeral was not only attended by a large concourse of his fellow missionaries, but by mandarins especially appointed by the emperor to do honor to the occasion.

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* "Antwerp: authorities rebury our true history?" (2021-08-02, []
- De reus Druon Antigoon ( [], full-size image ( []

Taboo & Errony
* "Pandemic no excuse for White House to keep all JFK files secret – Oliver Stone to RT" (2021-11-23, []
* "Oliver Stone on The ‘Covert Govt’ Behind JFK’s Assassination and Biden’s Continuation of the Coverup" (2021-11-24, Going Underground on RT, via []:
On this episode, we speak to Oscar Award-Winner Oliver Stone, Director of ‘JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass’. He discusses the significance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and its implications for democracy in the United States, the CIA, military-industrial complex and other actors that he alleges were involved in the assassination, the motivations for these actors to assassinate JFK, the Biden Administration’s blocking of the release of classified documents related to the assassination and much more!
* "Says Susan Coleman was killed after having an affair with Bill Clinton; No evidence to support this Clinton body count hoax" (2019-08-13, []

* "Operation Encore and the Saudi Connection: A Secret History of the 9/11 Investigation; Behind the scenes, a small team of FBI agents spent years trying to solve a stubborn mystery — whether officials from Saudi Arabia, one of Washington’s closest allies, were involved in the worst terror attack in U.S. history. This is their story" (2020-01-23, []
* "The Informant Who Lived With The Hijackers" (2002-09-15, [] [begin excerpt]:
At first, FBI director Bob Mueller insisted there was nothing the bureau could have done to penetrate the 9-11 plot. That account has been modified over time--and now may change again. NEWSWEEK has learned that one of the bureau's informants had a close relationship with two of the hijackers: he was their roommate.
The connection, just discovered by congressional investigators, has stunned some top counterterrorism officials and raised new concerns about the information-sharing among U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. The two hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, were hardly unknown to the intelligence community. The CIA was first alerted to them in January 2000, when the two Saudi nationals showed up at a Qaeda "summit" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. FBI officials have argued internally for months that if the CIA had more quickly passed along everything it knew about the two men, the bureau could have hunted them down more aggressively. [end excerpt]
* "Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks: suit" (2019-09-07, []
* "The FBI lured a 9/11 informant with a fake picture of a 5-year-old kid who looked like him and his underage wife" (2020-01-24, []
* "The PTB History Fabrication Tools" (2020-12-27, []
* "The State of Georgia #1: Atlanta or Decatur, that is the question" (2021-01-27, []
* "The State of Georgia #2: Ebenezer and its Silk Mills" (2021-02-02, []
* "The State of Georgia #3: Fort Frederica and town Frederica" (2021-02-14, []
* "1856: Fax Machine by Giovanni Caselli" (2020-11-04, [] [begin excerpt]:
One of those was Alexander Glen with his 1886 facsimile telegraph system.

They also forgot to mention certain Mr. Amstutz of Cleveland, Ohio with his 1896 Facsimile or copying telegraph system. Poor Noah Steiner Amstutz did not even get his own Wikipedia page. Take a look at his colored photoengraving technique to see if he deserved one ( [end excerpt]
* "Using a Facsimile Telegraph System" ( []:
A man operating the Marconi facsimile telegraph system which is used for the transmission of pictures by wireless between England and America and England and Australia . | Location: Victoria, London, England, UK.
Date created: January 01, 1935

* "400 year old Sahara Desert, or why people forgot everything they knew about Africa" (2020-10-30, []
* "Annihilated African cities, killed population, establishment lies, Timgad and the Richat Structure Atlantis" (2020-10-30, []
* "1770s-1850s: One race or several species? History: Race in the U.S.A., a timeline created by the American Anthropological Association, looks at milestones in thinking and actions about race in government, science and society" (2008-05-27, []
- image caption: Published at the height of polygenism's popularity, Josiah Nott and George Gliddon's 800-page illustrated volume, Types of Mankind, reproduced the work of Louis Agassiz and Samuel Morton, spreading racist views to a popular audience. The work sold well and nine editions were printed. Some slave owners found justification for slavery in the Bible, and others used this new "science" to defend it.

* "Ernst Haeckel, Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay and the racial controversy over the Papuans" (2020-05-25, []
* "Are Negros Closer to Apes Than to Humans?" (2012, via []:
Are these facts in the museum:
The negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous ; i.e., the lower face projects forward in the manner of an animal's muzzle. The negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.
They emit a peculiar offensive body odor similar to apes.
Just as their black skin protected them from the intense African sun, they are inherently lazy in order to prevent over exertion in that intense sun.
The arms and legs of the negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the ape form.
The eye often has a yellowish scierotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The negro has a shorter trunk; the cross-section of the chest is more circular than Whites. Similar to an ape.
The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of apes.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the ape form.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees, like an ape, as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.
Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species.
Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
Howells, William. Mankind So Far, Doubleday, Garden City, NY
Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990
* "The urban legend of a "civilian" national flag" ( [] [begin excerpt]: The so-called United States "Civilian" flag, which seems to have started by an erroneous identification of the Customs Flag, apparently is not a recent phenomena, as the clipping from the 1870s attests. Basically, there never has been a different civilian version of the national flag, yet this urban legend continues to be believed by many. [...]
It started in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" which contains a description of an American Customs flag erroneously described as having 13 stripes and calling it a "civil" flag. (Actually, since the Customs Service was not a military branch then, technically it was a "Civil" flag.)
", with a view from its front windows adown this not very enlivening prospect, and thence across the harbour, stands a spacious edifice of brick. From the loftiest point of its roof, during precisely three and a half hours of each forenoon, floats or droops, in breeze or calm, the banner of the republic; but with the thirteen stripes turned vertically, instead of horizontally, and thus indicating that a civil, and not a military, post of Uncle Sam's government is here established. [end excerpt]
* "SS Clifton" ( [], photo showing ship launch, 1892:
* photo showing a festive display of the flagCustom Services Flag sold at Sotheby's Auction Lot #467
* F. 39. Monterey (Calif.) / C. W. Johnson's, 1859. Views of California Scenery

The United States-French Alliance Flag 1781-82 -
In 1781 and 1782, in honor of the end of the American Revolutionary War and the help of France in that conflict, a special U.S. Flag appeared. It consisted of 13 red and white stripes with a very long (11 stripes long) canton bearing either 12 or 13 white stars and a gold fleur-di-lis. The stars are shown in contemporary illustrations either as 5 pointed or as 6 pointed in rows of three (with a single star below if there are 13) and the fleur at the top.

13 Star U.S. Flag - Grand Luminary design -
This 13 star Grand Luminary flag is an enigma wrapped in a riddle and surrounded by mystery. The flag is made of wool bunting with six-point, linen stars gracing the canton. These features point to manufacture during the early federal period, especially the six-pointed linen stars, a common feature of 18th century flags.

A late 19th century Hand-Made American Flag with 13 Six-Pointed Stars forming an Even Larger Six-pointed Star of David -
Six pointed stars on American Flags are a very rare trait, shared only by a handful of known examples. The same can be said of flags with cantons arranged in a six-pointed great star configuration. This configuration of stars on a flag of pieced and sewn construction is known on less than four or five surviving flags. The pattern is very similar to the star pattern seen on the official Great Seal of the United States. The first die of the Great Seal, cast from brass in 1792, featured a "glory" of six pointed stars arranged to form a single six pointed star. Although the "glory" on the Great Seal is oriented to with a single star at the top, the "glory" pattern on this flag is rotated 90 degrees.

During the 19th century, for its smaller-sized ensigns, the U.S. Navy used a 13-star flag which became known as "boat flag". The Navy appears to have started this practice in the 1850s and is formally documented in the Navy Regulations of 1864. The reason for the lesser number of stars was so that the stars in a smaller size flag would have greater visibility at a distance.
In 1912, President President Taft formally recognized the Navy's longstanding use of the 13-star ensign in Executive Order 1637, which defined the flag's precise dimensions. The "boat flags'" formal recognition lasted just four more years however, as President Wilson acting through Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels discontinued the practice in 1916 with Executive Order 2390, after which all ensigns were supposed to have the full complement of stars.
1899. "Boat drill - U.S.S. New York."

And a totally separate group of the United States flags emerges in 1908. Coincidentally, this is the same year when the Great White US Fleet was in the middle of its "Peace Mission" around the World.

American Flag Cigar Label with Sailor & 42 Six-Pointed Stars, 1889-1920 -
This interesting, late 19th or early 20th century (ca 1889-1920) cigar box label has imagery that is especially modernistic for its period of manufacture. It features a 42 star American national flag with 6-pointed stars on a beautiful, cornflower blue canton. Though the reason for its use is unknown, this type of star is seen on other objects of this particular period. In present times one might identify the design as the Star of David, though this symbol, also known as the Shield of David, was not in widespread use by members of the Jewish faith until further into the 20th century.


* "Polio is a Man-Made Disease" (2017-08-14, by Forrest Maready, via []: This is interesting...A disease suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the 1800s and began to paralyze people. Always wondered if it might have had something to do with us. Part 1 of this series will take a look and begin to answer the question: Is polio a man-made disease?
* "The polio story as you learned it is wrong" (2018, []
1918 Spanish flu was caused by mass vaccinations of our troops in WWI
* "Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated, petition to the President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy" (1920-04, by Charles Michael Higgins, Anti-Vaccination League of America []
The government being Central Banks, the actors fulfill their role in the public mind of the need for history...
* "Lincoln's Doubles" ( []
* "Abraham Lincoln's real name was Stephen Phelps, and his brothers played Mary Todd Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Stephen Douglas, and others" (2019-01-14, []

* "Funeral trains, flags, mummies or when did Lincoln really die?" (2020-09-14, []

* "Indications for a 'heavier' electric field in the past" (2018-11-16, [] [begin excerpt]:
I think those experiments go pretty well with the idea that the earth atmosphere was entirely different merely 500 or 700 years ago. "The electric plants powering China’s new agricultural revolution; Scientists hail breakthrough as results of the world’s largest experiment confirm fruit and vegetable output can soar without chemical pesticides and fertilisers" (2018-09-16, []
Combine a highly charged atmosphere with stable temperatures, a more reddish sun (infrared and far-infrared) and a high carbon dioxide concentration and you basically get a 'paradise', that is: no harmful micro-organisms, high resistance against stress, no pain, no degenerative diseases.
What you get is plants, animals and humans of enourmous size, with enourmous life spans and with no concept of fragility. Imagine a highly charged, more humid atmosphere with constant temperature. The need for drinking and eating would be highly reduced: just like the plants in the experiment, humans would need way less food.
The changes in our atmosphere (possibly due to the increased size of the planet, see growing earth) has made everything less charged, less energetic.
Our entire planet suffers from energy deprivation, and all energy is electro-magnetic.
Possible implications:
- Did the gods just die out due to those changes, similar to big animals and plants disappearing?
- Did we shrink while our ancient buildings stayed big?
- Who is responsible for this and why?
- Invention of antibiotics, medicine, medication, new diseases like cancer etc. might be tight to those changes
- How is all of this connected to the sun and our realm?
- Will we ever get back to the original state?
- Can someone please change the lightbulb in the sky and install a new one with increased electric charge and reduced percentage of blue color.
- [comment]: And God said, let there be light, and he hung a bright light for the day, and a lesser light for the night. Seems to me our red light might have been extinguished and a new LED bulb put it.
Interestingly, Richard Shaver mentioned in his stories, that people went within the earth to get away from the sun that was harmful. It’s caused our hair to go gray, and shortened our life spans.
In the book The Smoky Sun, a man and his son sail out from Sweden(?) and end up in a warmer climate after a storm, and are taken in by friendly giants who wear clothes that look Moroccan. Their sun is softer(smoky) and they have giant animals including the ones that are extinct on earth.
And then there’s the series on when Saturn was our star and gave off a red glow, along with the idea of the ‘twilight of the gods’ which could mean the end, or literally, when we lived in a perpetual twilight because of the sun’s color.
And why is purple such a ’holy’ color? Surely not because it was hard to harvest, but maybe because the red sun made the blue sky purple?
Purple Haze—Jimmy Hendrix.
Purple Rain(reign)—Prince
There’s a lot on the internet about how our sun flips back into red because of lots of science I don’t understand. A good one to study is, Brian Austin Lambert 33.
Very interesting topic.
- [comment]: This is interesting stuff! I read a Book on electro-horticulture written in 1892 ( about how by using tall metal masts and copper wires we can electrify the air, soil & water around the plants which in turn generates faster healthier growing crops. So to me the idea of a high voltage static charge in the air protecting and stimulating our cells allowing everything biological to be healthier and in turn larger and more productive.
It’s only a short book but there are other notable points such as on page 44..
”had the late rain producing experiments been successful, we might even picture this fortunate farmer calling down the refreshing showers when ever he thought his crops needed them”
Sounds to me that in 1892 they had already experimented with geo-engineering.
* "Mud flood, dirt rain, and the story of the buried buildings" (2020-09-14, []

- [comment]: This guy teaches at Bar Ilan, I heard him promoting it when it came out in Hebrew. He mentioned that no one agreed to publish it. From what I remember about this, his main argument on that point in the title had something to do with semantics about what constitutes a "massacre." Which is, of course, super great hasbara.

* "Man Eats Uranium, Drinks and Swims In Reactor Water, Ignites Plutonium In His Bare Hand" (2012-06-27, []:
Apparently radioactive material isn’t as dangerous as the EPA has made it out to be.
From the [old] video notes ( []:
"Galen Winsor is a nuclear physicist of renown who worked at, and helped design, nuclear power plants in Hanford, WA; Oak Ridge, TN; Morris, IL, San Jose, CA; Wimington, NJ. Among his positions of expertise he was in charge of measuring and controlling the nuclear fuel inventory and storage.
Galen Winsor has traveled and lectured all over America, spoken on national talk radio, and made several videos exposing the misunderstood issues of nuclear radiation. He shows that fear of radiation has been exaggerated to scare people … so a few powerful people can maintain total control of the world’s most valuable power resource. Filmed by Ben Williams in 1986."
In the video, you can watch Galen lick a pile of highly radioactive uranium off the palm of his hand and ignite a chunk of plutonium into a shower of flaming dust. The guy also drank reactor cooling pool water for fun and liked to go swimming in the pool to relax. He also spiked the basement flooring of his own home with enough radioactive material to send any Geiger counter reading off the scale to disprove the fear mongering surrounding radon at the time.
Galen surmises the regulations and fear mongering that surround radioactive materials are in place to prevent the widespread adoption of nuclear power in local small scale neighborhood/home based reactors. Galen also points out that hot nuclear “waste” can be effectively turned into a safe power source through thermionic conversion, which is how the U.S. submarine navigation network was powered. The heat it gives off can also be used to safely heat homes.
He points out that nuclear “waste” is worth roughly $10 million (in 1986 dollars) a ton if it were to be reprocessed to collect its useful isotopes, so all of this talk about trying to bury it is a sham. He says the power companies are holding all the waste with the intent of playing the plutonium futures market. The “waste” could be stored above ground in already constructed buildings meeting all the regulatory requirements without the need to have these outrageous basalt mines dug into mountains. The only reason he can think of for these underground vaults is to hide bodies/evidence that the state doesn’t want uncovered.
At its core, he says federal controls over nuclear material is about maintaining power and control over the masses through the denial of self-sufficient power sources. Obviously if one had a personal sized power source that was cheap and efficient, they wouldn’t need to be connected to the “grid” for anything. The power grid is the control grid our rulers use to keep us under their thumbs.
He also says Three Mile Island was an intentionally created disaster, and that a core meltdown could not melt its way deep into the Earth.
* "The Nuclear Scam by Galen Winsor (1986)" ( []
* "Matthew 24 and Revelation – Fulfilled in AD 70 or Future?", part 1 ( [], part 2 ( []
Nahum Goldmann lived his whole life as one of the top level international Zionists, he was the president of the World Jewish Congress from 1947 to 1978, and in his 1915 book "The Spirit Of Militarism" (page 37 - 38) he describes the Zionist method for destruction of Western Civilization which is required for transition into the New World Order:
"The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order.
The first task of our world revolution is Destruction. All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
The forces preserving traditional society are "free market capitalism" in the social economic realm, and "democracy" in the mental political realm. The capitalist free market does not fight against the old economic order, nor does democracy lead a fierce hot battle against the forces of reaction which oppose the new order, therefore our transformative work will be imposed through the unifying principle of the militaristic spirit, the negative task of destroying the old established order will be completely solved and finished only when the all the human masses are all forcibly collectivized as uniformed soldiers under imposed mass-conformity of new order culturing.
After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social catagories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order."
The spirit of militarism, Der Geist des Militarismus, Stuttgart, 1915, p.37 - 38
Ayn Rand considered Alan Greenspan her greatest protégé.

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